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It's Halloween, You 'Fraidy Mouse! (Geronimo Stilton) de Geronimo Stilton

It's Halloween, You 'Fraidy Mouse! (Geronimo Stilton) de Geronimo Stilton

Autor: Geronimo Stilton
Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Literatura y ficción
Tapa blanda: 128 páginas
Editor: Scholastic; Edición: 1 (1 de septiembre de 2004)
Colección: Geronimo Stilton
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 439559731
ISBN-13: 978-0439559737
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Descripción - Crumbling Cheese treats! It was Halloween,the spookiest day of the year, and my nephew Benjamin had dragged me to a graveyard to do research for my newest book. There I met Creepella von Cacklefur, a very spooky mouse who - yikes! - tried to lock me up in her coffin! Oh, how would a 'fraidy mouse like me ever survive? Biografía del autor Geronimo Stilton is the publisher of The Rodent's Gazette, Mouse Island's most famouse newspaper. In his spare time, Mr. Stilton enjoys collecting antique cheese rinds, playing golf, and telling stories to his nephew Benjamin. He lives in New Mouse City, Mouse Island. Visit Geronimo online at

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its halloween youaidy mouse! geronimo stilton ~ oh how would aaidy mouse like me ever survive? about the author. geronimo stilton is the publisher of the rnts gazette mouse islands most famouse newspaper. in his spare time mr. stilton enjoys collecting antique cheese rinds playing golf and telling stories to his nephew benjamin. he lives in new mouse city mouse island.
